Empower yourself with a detailed report of your brain's function, consisting of an assessment of your cognitive function and your brain connectivity with a quick 45-minute on-site appointment.
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Everything we do is backed by science and uses the latest cutting-edge technology to give you the most accurate information about how your brain is functioning.
We use scientifically validated measures of cognition & cutting-edge non-invasive brain scan technology
We use scientifically validated measures of cognition & cutting-edge non-invasive brain scan technology
1. Visit Our Site
2. Brain Assessment
3. Brain Function Report
01 Protection for the future
02 Health Optimisation
03 Identify changes before symptoms
04 Outcome prediction
By having a baseline measurement of your brain function, you can objectively determine the extent of any damage that may occur in the event of a head injury.
This information can be invaluable for insurance purposes, legal reference, or therapeutic inputs.